Doris' lakeland ales ultra completions

Below is a list of all completions for the Doris’ Lakeland Ales Ultra. We aim to keep this page updated regularly, however, we do also have beer to brew and distribute so a little patience is much appreciated.

Congratulations to all listed. If you have recently completed the challenge, please email us at with your name, date of completion and Strava/gpx data and we will get you added.

Competitor Name Completion Date Completion Time Distance Elevation
Steve Rhodes

Nathan Gregory

Head Brewer & Manager

Nathan has been with the brewery since 2013. Joining initially as the brewer he took over as manager in 2018. Originally a keen homebrewer, his passion for beer and lifelong interest in brewing have ensured that we continue to brew high quality real ale that is full of flavour.

STAPLE BREW: Brim Fell IPA – Nathan’s first recipe that became a staple of our core range.

Shane Kirk


Shane joined the Brewery in 2017, having worked with Nathan previously. Shane is responsible for the day-to-day production of beer, both in cask and bottle/can. His understanding and skill as a brewer have continued to strengthen our reputation for outstanding beer.

STAPLE BREW: Peak Bagger IPA – a modern seasonal brew that is hop forward.

Dan Skillicorn

Brewer & Admin

Dan is the most recent addition to the line-up, starting in 2018. His is the voice you are most likely to hear when you call us. He is responsible for all things admin; from sales and purchasing to balancing the books and logistics – Dan can!

STAPLE BREW: Black Sail – you can’t go wrong with a stout, and this is one of the best!

Trade Order

Place your order below and our brewery team will be in touch to confirm. Please specify in your order which beer and quantity.

Partner Enquiry

Register your interest to become a partner with us and we will be in touch to run you through our new customer application!