SIBA Cask Beer Awards

SIBA Cask Beer Awards – the results are in!

Siba Cask Beer Awards 2022

We are very proud to let you all know that we recently won two more medals for our cask beer at the regional SIBA Cask Beer Awards. We walked away with a Silver medal for Scafell Blonde along with a Bronze for this year’s Peak Bagger IPA.

SIBA (The Society of Independent Brewers) is our trade body. It represents the interests of small independent brewers in the UK. As well as campaigning on our behalf and representing us in parliamentary matters, SIBA also sets the standard for good brewing practice nationally. The awards are open to all SIBA brewers in the region and are held annually. Brewers from the region are free to enter their cask beer for judging. This is done by a panel of industry specialists and invited judges who sample and score each beer. The beers are categorised and anonymised before the judging begins to ensure fairness.

All accolades are good, but because of the nature of this competition, and the high standard of the competitors it is always very special to win an award at this event. It confirms that our beer is as good as we (and you) know it to be!

We have entered 3 of our brews in the SIBA Bottle and Can Beer Awards towards the end of November. This is a similar competition but it is judged nationally. You can be sure we will shout about it here if we win any awards – so watch this space!

Congratulations to all of the brewers who won cask beer awards this year. Now, go and toast our success with an award winning pint!


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